We want your experience at the conference to be incredible. To keep things safe, inclusive and fun, here are our expectations of all attendees, speakers, sponsors and staff.

The conference is governed by a code of conduct.
We take this policy seriously and want you to know that if anything happens, we are behind you.

Who is covered by this policy?
Everyone: All conference staff, volunteers, speakers, attendees, sponsors and vendors are protected by this policy and must comply with this policy.

What is harassment?
We consider harassment to be unacceptable behaviour towards others, in particular:

Offensive verbal, written or other comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, appearance, body size, race or religion
Sexual images that are distributed in any way
Intentional intimidation
Prolonged disruption of negotiations or other activities
Inappropriate or unwanted sexual attention
Sexual clothing/uniforms/costumes or anything else that creates a sexual environment

We will not tolerate harassment of participants or by participants of any virtual conference platforms and social events. People who are asked to stop any of these or other aggressive actions are expected to stop immediately. There can be no excuses.

What should I do if I am being bullied?
Speak to a conference volunteer or staff member immediately. If you are attending in person, you can usually find someone at the conference office or reception to request a private conversation.

If you feel your personal safety is in immediate danger, we also encourage you to contact local law enforcement if necessary.

How will staff respond to harassment?
We will work in good faith with both parties to stop the harassment immediately and will do everything possible to make you feel safe during the conference.

Here are some actions that staff may deem appropriate:

Warning the offender not to repeat the offensive behavior
Exclusion from a virtual or live conference without refund
Blocking individuals from online platforms
Reporting the incident to law enforcement authorities
Prohibition of participation in future events